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Home Мiscellaneous products 200 g professional fertilizer for Palms, Yucca, Dracaena, Nolina

200 g professional fertilizer for Palms, Yucca, Dracaena, Nolina

Price: €5.83
  • Rating: (3)
  • Code:
    200 g Fertilizer for Palms, Yucca, Dracaena, Nolina
  • Weight:
    0.300 Kgs

200 g professional fertilizer for Palms, Yucca, Dracaena, Nolina



Prevents yellowing of old leaves and promotes quality new growth.

Ingredients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, trace elements, amino acids and bio-stimulators in a suitable combination.

Application: Dissolve 1 tablespoon in 2 liters of water and water the plants abundantly every two weeks. The attached spoon is pressed into the jar wall when it is removed and thus the required amount of fertilizer is obtained for a 2 liter solution. Do not exceed the dose! Apply the fertilizer from the beginning of February till the end of August. For good results, the palms should be out during the warmer months, in the shade or the sun - according to your plant’s specific requirements!

Storage: In a tightly closed package, in a dry and dark place. Durability: 2 years min.

Net: 200 grams

A recipe of Palm Center - Plovdiv Ltd. nursery,

Estimated Shipping

to Plovdiv starts at €2.60 To a place in Bulgaria starts at €2.60
Delivery to EU zone starts at €14.05
Delivery to EU zone starts at €32.21

Starting from February 15, 2016, we can offer a very competitive delivery prices to most countries within the Europen Union. These prices are especially attractive for orders up to 31,5 kg. The delivery prices remain unchanged for orders of 11 to 31,5 kg.

Please note, we ship live plants and cuttings to the countries within the mainland European Union only (sorry, not to the UK anymore)!

Wholesale orders from EU are welcome. We can ship the order by truck. On one pallet up to 80-100 plants can be loaded. Please email us for prices.

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Availability at our nursery in Plovdiv: 69 pcs

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  • Category:
    Мiscellaneous products

by Георги Петков, 03 Feb 2022

Този продукт е чудесен за подхранване на палми. Значително забързва растежа на растенията. Използвам го редовно и палмите ми изглеждат чудесно

by Емил Цанев, 13 Apr 2021

Вълшебен тор растенията пускат лист след лист.

by Янчо Денев , 15 Jan 2020

При торенето с този тор, палмите видимо се подобриха ,още от първото торене , миналото лято го изпробвах и сега си взех отново - препоръчвам .