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Home Fruit bearing plants Fig varieties Fig variety Michurinska-10

Fig variety Michurinska-10

Price: €7.61
  • Rating: (13)
  • Code:
    Ficus carica Michurinska-10
  • Weight:
    2.000 Kgs

Ficus carica Michurinska-10, Fig from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria


The height of the plants varies from 15 to 40 cm.

This size is the smallest we have in the nursery, in 3 liters pot.

Michurinska-10 is the most common fig variety in Bulgaria. The name was given more than 50 years ago by Radka Serafimova during her scientific research on varieties of figs in Bulgaria. The scientific name is not known among the people and in different regions of the country they call it "The little fig", "Ali Pasha", "Brown", and in places where no other variety can grow - simply "The Fig".

Variety Michurinska-10 is probably the most cold resistant good quality fig in the world. This is an old Bulgarian local variety that is found only in Bulgaria and some regions of Macedonia, Serbia and Romania. This variety produces main crop on the new shoots. This means that even if it freezes to the ground in colder areas, it will still produce a main crop the following season.

Variety Michurinska-10 produces abundant crops. This variety is the only one in Bulgaria, which always and each year without exception, gives a good crop of quality fruits.

Michurinska-10 gives two crops in the summer, one in June and the main crop in late July or early August ( for the plains in southern Bulgaria ). The fruits contiune to ripen until late September, and with the right waether - also until the end of October.

In the coldest places in the northern and western Bulgaria maturation may be similar to that in southern Bulgaria , but if the plant freezes to the ground every year, it will produce only main crop that may ripe later.

Damage from cold start at temperatures below -16 to -19 degrees Celsius, and old trees to the ground freeze at temperatures below -22 degrees Celsius. In places with cooler summers, the freeze damage may appear earlier.


More information is available in Bulgarian on our forum:

Estimated Shipping

to Plovdiv starts at €2.85 To a place in Bulgaria starts at €2.85
Delivery to EU zone starts at €15.28
Delivery to EU zone starts at €32.21
2.40 BGN packaging and guarantee:
  • Botanical family:
  • USDA zone:
    -21°C (zone 6b)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    not important
  • Water need:
  • Ripening:
  • Type (pollination requirements):
    Common (not required)

Starting from February 15, 2016, we can offer a very competitive delivery prices to most countries within the Europen Union. These prices are especially attractive for orders up to 31,5 kg. The delivery prices remain unchanged for orders of 11 to 31,5 kg.

Please note, we ship live plants and cuttings to the countries within the mainland European Union only (sorry, not to the UK anymore)!

Wholesale orders from EU are welcome. We can ship the order by truck. On one pallet up to 80-100 plants can be loaded. Please email us for prices.

Sie vorziehen Deutsch? Wählen Sie Ihre Sprache oben links!


Availability at our nursery in Plovdiv: 21 pcs

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Compliance Information
  • Botanical family:
  • USDA zone:
    -21°C (zone 6b)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    not important
  • Water need:
  • Category:
    Fig varieties
  • Ripening:
  • Type (pollination requirements):
    Common (not required)

by Валентина Петрова, 20 Aug 2024

Дръвчето плододава още на втората година, след като го купих, вече 2 сезона. Има все още слаба бреба и обилно (около 40-50) плода основна реколта.При мен все още е в саксия и не е разгърнало потенциала си, но въпреки това плодовете са обилни, сладки,а растението непретенциозно.

by Вера Васева, 07 Aug 2024

Отлично растение!

by Валентина Петрова, 02 Jul 2023

Дървото е прекрасно, купих го преди година като малко растение и се развива отлично. Сега е отрупано с повече от 40 плодчета. Отглеждам го в саксия :) Ако беше в двор - представям си....

by Вера Антонова, 28 Jan 2023

Получих растението в отлично състояние, грижливо опаковано, така че да не се повредят пъпките. Беше около 20-25 см високо с 3 клончета. Вече посадено, през лятото се разклони, разлисти, много добре изглежда!

by Елена Николова, 26 Apr 2022

Много добри растения!

by Милена Михайлова, 09 Feb 2021

на 2 години е вече и набрах доста смокини,а съм от Габрово,чудесна е за навсякъде в България

by Bobosca Adrian, 08 Feb 2021

Hardiest fig ever,it survived -17*C for 4 nights,with very tip dieback.Fruits in early july and september to december.Its a keeper!

by Милена Михайлова, 13 Jul 2017

Оцеля зимата под снега в Габрово и сега има голям прираст!

by Милена Михайлова, 12 Aug 2016

Тази пролет я купих, а имам вече завързал плод!