Mediterranean flowering shrubs
Flowering Mediterranean shrubs with attractive flowers. Some bloom all year round, some - just for a season. There are plants with aromatic flowers.
White Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia augusta, White Bird of Paradise
Great White Strelitzia. This African plant is very easy to grow in pots. The plants have been produced at our nursery in Plovdiv. They are drought resistant, but in summer love regular and heavy irrigations. They prefer direct sun and tolerate it without problems.
Strelitzias can be kept for a long time without replanting, if you feed them regularly. From the base of the stem new shoots will appear, that may be separated or left for the formation of a dense crown.
More information about the Strelitzia you will find in our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Chinese fringe flower, Loropetalum Globosa 'Black Pearl'
Loropetalum chinensis - Globosa 'Black Pearl', Chinese fringe flower Globosa 'Black Pearl'
Availability: 5 pcs
Chinese fringe flower, Loropetalum Lolipop 'Black Pearl'
Loropetalum chinensis - Lolipop 'Black Pearl', Chinese fringe flower Lolipop 'Black Pearl'
Availability: 17 pcs
Japanese Mock-Orange
Pittosporum tobira, Japanese Mock-Orange
Availability: 7 pcs
Camellia japonica 'October Affair', Camellia japonica
Camellia japonica 'October affair' , Japanese camellia
Attention!!! The plants was transplanted soon and are still in the rooting stage!
These are several mixed varieties, we could pick a variety while in bloom only.
Availability: 23 pcs
Japanese camellia- white with pink, Camellia japonica 'Margaret Davis'
Camellia japonica 'Margaret Davis', , Japanese camellia
Attention!!! The plants was transplanted soon and are still in the rooting stage!
These are several mixed varieties, we could pick a variety while in bloom only.
Availability: 26 pcs
Japanese camellia- dark red, Camellia japonica 'Black Lace'
Camellia japonica 'Black Lace' , Japanese camellia
Attention!!! The plants was transplanted soon and are still in the rooting stage!
These are several mixed varieties, we could pick a variety while in bloom only.
Availability: 19 pcs
Pachysandra term. 'Variegata'
Pachysandra term. 'Variegata'
Pachysandra is a low ground cover plant.
It reaches a height of up to 20 cm, and the tuft it develops reaches a diameter of about 40 cm.
It grows best in shade and partial shade.
Because it grows quickly, pachysandra forms dense tufts and makes an interesting groundcover green carpet.
Availability: 0 pcs
Callistemon hybrid "Red Rocket"
Callistemon hybrid 'Red Rocket', Red Bottle brush
Availability: 10 pcs
Agapanthus white
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#006400;"><span style="font-size:22px;"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif;">Agapanthus white</span></span></span></p>
Availability: 9 pcs
Rose Mallow
<p>This cold hardy hibiscus is very attractive with its huge flowers, up to 20 cm diameter. You will find different information on the internet, but according to our 10 years experience with this plant in Bulgaria, its leaves and branches live one season and the rhizome survives about -18°C air temperature. At lower temperatures at least a small protection is needed to insulate the ground from deep freezing.</p>
<p>The pictures are from our experimental field near Assenovgrad, Bulgaria, where the plants grow in a very limy soil. If planted in a better soil, they will produce bigger number of larger flowers.</p>
<p>More information is available on our forum:</p>
<p><u><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000FF;"></span></a></u></p>
Availability: 0 pcs
Tea tree Snow Flurry-Lollipop
Tea Tree Snow Flurry
Leptospermum Scoparium Red Damask
Availability: 1 pcs
Peony Sorbet, Paeonia Sorbet
Peony Sorbet,
Paeonia Sorbet
The plants are available in two-liter pots. The peony is fragrant with intertwining cyclamen-pink and cream-white flowers. It reaches a height of 1 m.
Availability: 0 pcs
Peony Santa Fe, Paeonia Santa Fe
Peony Santa Fe,
Paeonia Santa Fe
The plants are available in two-liter pots. They are characterized by early flowering, and the flowers are large creamy white with cyclamen periphery. The height reaches 70 cm.
Availability: 0 pcs
Lantana Alba
Lantana camara (orange, pink, yellow)
Mediterranean shrub blooming for more than 6 months. The plants are our own production. Cold hardy down to -1 degrees C.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 37 pcs
Osmanthus Burkwoodii
Osmanthus ''Burkwoodii''
Osmanthus Burkwoodii is evergreen shrub with oval leaves.It's a cross of Osmanthus Decorus and Osmanthus Delavayi.Its height reaches 4 m. Blooming is in the spring and the fragrance is incomparable.
Availability: 0 pcs
Brugmansia candida White
Brugmansia candida White
Attention! The plants are in early vegetation and are about 20 cm high.
The plants are produced by Palm Center from cuttings and plants can grow flowers in the first year after rooting.
Availability: 0 pcs
Imperata cylindrica Red Baron
Imperata cylindrica Red Baron
Availability: 0 pcs
Big-Leaf Princess Flower
Big-Leaf Princess Flower
Tibouchina grandifolia
Availability: 0 pcs
Compact pink-yellow Lantana
Compact pink-yellow Lantana
Lantana camara
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 8 pcs
Variegated Holly Olive
Variegated Holly Olive
Osmanthus heterophyllus Variegatus
Availability: 0 pcs
Lantana Red - Yellow
Lantana camara (orange, pink, yellow)
Mediterranean shrub blooming for more than 6 months. The plants are our own production. Cold hardy down to -1 degrees C.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Variegated Japanese pittosporum
Variegated Japanese pittosporum
Pittosporum tobira variegatum
Availability: 4 pcs
Lavandula stoechas
Lavandula stoechas
Lavandula Stoechas Belinda Blue
Availability: 0 pcs
Shrimp plan
Shrimp plan
Beloperone Guttata
Attention!!! The plants was transplanted soon and are still in the rooting stage!
The plant has beautiful, atypical flowers and under suitable conditions it is possible to bloom for most of the year. The plant is harvested in the colder seasons. It likes higher temperatures and humidity, and the suitable place is partially sun.
Availability: 11 pcs
Chinese fringe flower
Chinese fringe flower
Loropetalum chinensis
Availability: 0 pcs
Hybrid chinese hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa sinensis hybrid
Hybrid chinese hibiscus
New varieties of Chinese hibiscus with extra large flowers.
Availability: 0 pcs
Brugmansia candida Double White
Brugmansia candida Double White
Attention! The plants are in early vegetation and are about 20 cm high.
The plants are produced by Palm Center from cuttings and plants can grow flowers in the first year after rooting.
Availability: 0 pcs
Rose Mallow
Hibiscus moscheutos "Luna Red", Rose Mallow
This cold hardy hibiscus is very attractive with its huge flowers, up to 20 cm diameter. You will find different information on the internet, but according to our 10 years experience with this plant in Bulgaria, its leaves and branches live one season and the rhizome survives about -18°C air temperature. At lower temperatures at least a small protection is needed to insulate the ground from deep freezing.
The pictures are from our experimental field near Assenovgrad, Bulgaria, where the plants grow in a very limy soil. If planted in a better soil, they will produce bigger number of larger flowers.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Emu Bush, Silky Eremophila
Emu Bush, Silky Eremophila
Eremophila Niveа
Availability: 0 pcs
Variegated New Zealand Christmas tree
Variegated New Zealand Christmas tree
Metrosideros excelsa Variegata
More information is available in Bulgarian on our forum:
Availability: 14 pcs
Tea tree Red Damask
Tea tree Red Damask
Leptospermum Scoparium Red Damask
Availability: 0 pcs
Sweet Pea Shrub, Bellarine pea
<h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#006400;"><span style="font-size:22px;"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif;">Polygala compacta nana</span></span></span></h1>
Availability: 0 pcs
Tea tree Red Damask
Tea tree Red Damask
Leptospermum Scoparium Red Damask
Availability: 0 pcs
Weeping bottlebrush
Weeping bottlebrush
Callistemon viminalis Hot Pink
Availability: 0 pcs
Mexican blood-trumpet
Mexican blood-trumpet
Distictis buccinatoria
Distictis buccinatoriia (-9°C), also known as Bignonia cherere, comes from Mexico, and it is not cold-resistant like Bignonia chinensis. It is an evergreen, climbing plant with lush growth and large, dark green leaves. Blooms in the spring with trumpet flowers in deep red color. The plants prefers sun, but they also can be grow in partial shading place. For intensive growth, planting in loamy soil is recommended. It is good to provide more space for development. The plants have to be watered regularly , which will provide rich flowering performance and better summer foliage. At the end of the summer, you can reduce the crown. You can store the plant in a bright, even cold room for the winter.
Availability: 0 pcs
Purple Hopseed Bush, Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'
Purple Hopbush
Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'
Dodonaea is a fast-growing, evergreen shrub of tropical origin. It is better to grow in pot. Reaches a height of 1m. to 1.5 m. Thin bronze-green leaves become purple with colder weather. Can be grown at shade, but the color is better if it is grown in full sun. The plant needs plenty of water on hot sunny days. Preffer a drainage and rich soil.
Availability: 0 pcs
300 g fertilizer for treatment of chlorosis
Fertilizer concentrate for chlorosis treatment
Special blend, prevents the appearance of yellow new leaves, treats long-lasting chlorosis, supports quality growth
Ingredients: Iron salts, magnesium salts, acidifying ions, additional minerals.
Application: Dissolve 1 tablespoon in 1 gallon of tap water and water the plants abundantly every 2 to 4 weeks. In case of severely damaged plants, apply the fertilizer every 2 weeks until green and quality new growth is developped! Could be applied all year round to potted plants. Use with caution to avoid rust spots on any surrounding surfaces! Please note, that this fertilizer will affect mostly the new growth, not the old leaves that are already damaged. Do not overdose!
Storage: In a tightly closed package, in a dry and dark place. Durability: 2 years.
Net: 10.5 oz (300 gr)
Own recipe of the nursery Palm Center-Plovdiv Ltd., Bulgaria,
Availability: 130 pcs
200 g fertilizer for treatment of chlorosis
Fertilizer concentrate for chlorosis treatment
Special blend, prevents the appearance of yellow new leaves, treats long-lasting chlorosis, supports quality growth
Ingredients: Iron salts, magnesium salts, acidifying ions, additional minerals.
Application: Dissolve 1 tablespoon in 1 gallon of tap water and water the plants abundantly every 2 to 4 weeks. In case of severely damaged plants, apply the fertilizer every 2 weeks until green and quality new growth is developped! Could be applied all year round to potted plants. Use with caution to avoid rust spots on any surrounding surfaces! Please note, that this fertilizer will affect mostly the new growth, not the old leaves that are already damaged. Do not overdose!
Storage: In a tightly closed package, in a dry and dark place. Durability: 2 years.
Net: 7 oz (200 gr)
Own recipe of the nursery Palm Center-Plovdiv Ltd., Bulgaria,
Availability: 75 pcs
Brugmansia, Datura (Yellow)
Brugmansia arborea, Datura arborea
Brugmansias are tropical flowering shrubs from South America. The flowers of most species are fragrant in night to attract polinating insects.
The plants for sale are big and already flowering.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Brugmansia, Datura (Yellow)
Brugmansia arborea, Datura arborea
The promotional price is valid from October 1 to October 30
Brugmansias are tropical flowering shrubs from South America. The flowers of most species are fragrant in night to attract polinating insects.
The plants for sale are big and already flowering.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 4 pcs
Choisya Aztec Pearl, Mexican Orange Blossom, Mexican Mock Orange
Choisya x dewitteana "Aztec Pearl",
Choisya Aztec Pearl, Mexican Orange Blossom, Mexican Mock Orange
The Mexican orange is an evergreen plant. The flowers are highly fragrant and the whole plants is covered by them during the months of May and October. The plant is from the family of Citrus and no wonder that the leaves contain essential oils, just like the other Citrus plants.
This hybrid Choisya was obtained by cross between Mexican Choisya ternata and Choisya arizonica, growing in southwestern regions of the United States. The hybrid has good cold tolerance and could grow in southern Bulgaria and southern Black Sea's coast as long as the place is not subject to winter inversions. Our first impressions of this plant are from the southern Bulgarian Black Sea's coast, where it feels excellent and overwinters without problems. In colder areas it can be grown in a pot and moved to a cold storage in winter or if planted in the ground - will freeze to the ground level recover in spring.
As Choisya arizonica grows in semi-desert regions, the hybrid has inherited excellent drought tolerance.
The plants on sale are already in flowering age. They are shown on the pictures on left.
More information on the cultivation of this plant in Bulgarian conditions can be found in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Orange Night Scented Jessamine, Queen of the Night
Cestrum aurantiacum, Orange Night Scented Jessamine, Queen of the Night
from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
More information is available in Bulgarian on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Sweet olive, Holly olive, Tea olive
Osmanthus aquifolium, Sweet olive, Holly olive, Tea olive
Availability: 0 pcs
White Bottle brush 'White Anzac'
Callistemon citrinus 'White Anzac', White Bottle brush
Availability: 0 pcs
Dwarf Bottle brush 'Little John'
Callistemon viminalis 'Little John', Dwarf Bottle brush
Availability: 5 pcs
White Pampas Grass
Cortaderia selloana, White Pampas Grass
Availability: 52 pcs
Night Scented Jessamine, Queen of the Night
Cestrum nocturnum, Night Scented Jessamine, Queen of the Night
from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
More information is available in Bulgarian on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Parrot's Beak, Pelican's Beak, Coral Gem
Lotus berthelotii, Parrot's Beak, Pelican's Beak, Coral Gem
from Botanical garden - Plovdiv
Availability: 0 pcs
Yellow Bird of Paradise
Yellow Bird of Paradise
Caesalpinia gilliesii
The Yellow Bird of Paradise will thrive along the southern Black Sea coast and in many warmer places in southern Bulgaria. When exposed to temperatures below -12°C for long time, it will freeze down to the ground.
Availability: 0 pcs
Japanese camellia mix
Camellia japonica, Japanese camellia
Attention!!! The plants was transplanted soon and are still in the rooting stage!
These are several mixed varieties, we could pick a variety while in bloom only.
Availability: 0 pcs
Dwarf Japanese Mock-Orange
Pittosporum tobira nana, Japanese Mock-Orange
Availability: 0 pcs
Japanese Mock-Orange
Pittosporum tobira, Japanese Mock-Orange
Availability: 29 pcs
Pink Pampas Grass
Cortaderia selloana Rosea, Gynerium purpureum, Pink Pampas Grass
Availability: 0 pcs
Natal Plum
Carissa macrocarpa, Natal Plum
A beautiful small evergreen shrub with white flowers, which are lovely scented. Our new production.
Availability: 2 pcs
Chinese fringe flower
Loropetalum chinensis 'Fire Dance', Chinese fringe flower
Availability: 0 pcs
Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia reginae, Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise. This African plant is very easy to grow in pots. The plants have been produced at our nursery in Plovdiv. They are drought resistant, but in summer love regular and heavy irrigations. They prefer direct sun and tolerate it without problems.
Strelitzias can be kept for a long time without replanting, if you feed them regularly. From the base of the stem new shoots will appear, that may be separated or left for the formation of a dense crown.
More information about the Strelitzia you will find in our forum:
Availability: 12 pcs
Rose Mallow
Hibiscus moscheutos "Luna Rose", Rose Mallow
This cold hardy hibiscus is very attractive with its huge flowers, up to 20 cm diameter. You will find different information on the internet, but according to our 10 years experience with this plant in Bulgaria, its leaves and branches live one season and the rhizome survives about -18°C air temperature. At lower temperatures at least a small protection is needed to insulate the ground from deep freezing.
The pictures are from our experimental field near Assenovgrad, Bulgaria, where the plants grow in a very limy soil. If planted in a better soil, they will produce bigger number of larger flowers.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Brugmansia, Datura Pink
Brugmansia arborea, Datura arborea Pink
Brugmansias are tropical flowering shrubs from South America. The flowers of most species are fragrant in night to attract polinating insects.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Lantana Red - Yellow
Lantana camara (orange, pink, yellow)
Mediterranean shrub blooming for more than 6 months. The plants are our own production. Cold hardy down to -1 degrees C.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Lantana yellow
Lantana camara yellow
Mediterranean shrub blooming for more than 6 months. The plants are our own production. Cold hardy down to -1 degrees C.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Lantana Violet
Lantana Violet
Lantana Montevidensis Viola
Attention!!! The plants was transplanted soon and are still in the rooting stage!
Mediterranean shrub blooming for more than 6 months. The plants are our own production. Cold hardy down to -1 degrees C.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Lantanа (pink, yellow, white)
Lantana camara (pink, yellow, white)
Mediterranean shrub blooming for more than 6 months. The plants are our own production. Cold hardy down to -1 degrees C.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Bird of Paradise
Strelitzia reginae, Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise. This African plant is very easy to grow in pots. The plants have been produced at our nursery in Plovdiv. They are drought resistant, but in summer love regular and heavy irrigations. They prefer direct sun and tolerate it without problems.
Strelitzias can be kept for a long time without replanting, if you feed them regularly. From the base of the stem new shoots will appear, that may be separated or left for the formation of a dense crown.
More information about the Strelitzia you will find in our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs