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Home Cuttings and fresh seeds


Cuttings and fresh seeds


All cuttings will have enough lenght to allow a fresh cut before placing them for rooting. Rooting is not guaranteed as it depends on your skills and conditions.

Fresh seeds:

As seeds need to be fresh, we can not offer them year round. Not later than 3 months after collecting, we stop selling them, if we can not guarantee maximum germination.


Caryota palm

Caryota urens 

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Price: €10.31

Availability: 0 pcs

1 piece from Citrus cuttings/various types/

1 piece from Citrus cuttings/various types/

When ordering, please specify in the field for additional instructions from which variety you would like a cutting to be cut.

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Price: €3.99

Availability: 175 pcs

3 Cuttings from Oleander light pink, 'Villa Romain'

<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>3 Cuttings from Nerium oleander 'Villa Romain', Oleander light pink</strong></span></p>


<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Cuttings height 15-20cm</span></span></span>.</p>

<p>Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:</p>

<p><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000CD;"></span></a></p>
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Price: €9.69

Availability: 41 pcs

3 Cuttings from Oleander Mrs. Roeding

<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#008000;"><span style="font-size:20px;"><strong>3 Cuttings from Nerium oleander Mrs. Roeding</strong></span></span></p>

<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:16px;"><b>Cuttings height 15-20cm.</b></span></span></span></p>
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Price: €8.16

Availability: 37 pcs

3 Cuttings from Oleander Plumeria Red

3 Cuttings from Nerium oleander Plumeria Red


Cuttings height 15-20cm.

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Price: €8.16

Availability: 35 pcs

3 Cuttings from Oleander 'Album Plenum', Double white

3 Cuttings from Nerium oleander 'Album Plenum',

Double white, scented Oleander


Cuttings height 15-20cm.

This variety is not cold resistant.

Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:

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Price: €4.58

Availability: 38 pcs

3 Cuttings from Oleander, yellow, 'Maria Gambetta'

3 Cuttings from Nerium oleander 'Maria Gambetta', Oleander, yellow

Cuttings height 15-20cm.

This is a beautiful Oleander with yellow flowers and abundant blooming.

Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:

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Price: €4.58

Availability: 40 pcs

3 cuttings from Oleander, white flowers with pink center, 'Alsace'

3 cuttings from Nerium oleander 'Alsace', Oleander, white flowers with pink center

Cuttings height 15-20cm.


Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:

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Price: €4.58

Availability: 38 pcs

3 cuttings from Oleander,Madame de Billy

 3 cuttings from Nerium oleander Madame de Billy

Cutting height 15-20cm.

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Price: €4.58

Availability: 45 pcs

3 cuttings from Nerium oleander Calypso

 3 Cuttings from Nerium oleander Calypso

Height of cuttings 15-20 cm.



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Price: €4.58

Availability: 0 pcs

3 cuttings from Oleander, cold hardy, 'Provence'

3 cuttings from Oleander, cold hardy, 'Provence' 

Hight of the cuttings is 15-20 cm!

This is one of the most cold resistant Oleander varieties, down to about -16 degrees Celsius.

Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:

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Price: €4.58

Availability: 20 pcs

10 fresh seeds of Canary Island Date Palm

Phoenix canariensis, 10 fresh seeds of Canary Island Date Palm

from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv nursery



The Canary Island Date Palm comes from deserted areas on the Canary islands. Despite it's powerful root system, it does not tolerate drought, when grown in pot. This is easily visible, when the leaf tips start to turn yellow and dry. In winter it should be kept cool, down to 0 degrees Celsius. It needs much sun to be able to develop it's full glory. If the surrounding air is very dry, this palm will still thrive, as long as it is watered regularly. 

The seeds need to be placed in a well drained substrate, where they will germinate in a month time.


More information is available on our forum:

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Price: €3.07

Availability: 970 pcs


Dwarf Palmetto 10 seeds

Sabal minor 'Mc Curtain', Dwarf Palmetto 10 seeds packet


More information is available in Bulgarian on our forum:

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Price: €7.36

Availability: 5 pcs


30 fresh seeds, Bulgarian Trachycarpus

Trachycarpus 'Bulgaria', 30 fresh seeds packet


The seeds were collected from genuine exemplars of Trachycarpus 'Bulgaria' located in Assenovgrad, near Plovdiv. They have never seen any protection during the winters. The owner Kiril Donov planted the palms back in 1999 from seeds, collected from the famous genuine exemplars, growing in front of the police station in the Sunny beach resort, near the Black Sea coast.

Originally, these parent palms have male parent from Sochi, Russia and the female parent was from the museum palms in Plovdiv. The male parent from Sochi was Trachycarpus excelsa, as described in the Russian scientific literature. Today Trachycarpus excelsa is clasified inside the species Trachycarpus fortunei.

The palms in Bulgaria experience extremely freezing weather almost each winter. Still, they seed freely around the mother plant's bases. When the small seedlings survive, they develop the cold hardiness in the future generations.

Please note, that these seeds are only available from Christmas until the end of March each year! The usual germination is between 80-95 %.

More information about the climate in Bulgaria is available here:

More information about the Polar palms - Trachycarpus 'Bulgaria' is available here:



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Price: €6.14

Availability: 46 pcs


Mediterranean Fan Palm, 10 seeds

Chamaerops humilis, 10 seeds pack,

Mediterranean Fan Palm


These palms have a reputation to be quite cold hardy. In fact, they grow near Assenovgrad, Bulgaria (zone 7b) since 2008 with no protection at all. These are interesting shruby palms for our area. Even after a really bad freeze, they will always regrow from the ground and recover in a couple of months.

As a desert palm, 'Etna' needs plenty of sun. When watered and fertilized regularily, they will show an excellent growth.


More information is available on our forum:

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Price: €6.14

Availability: 83 pcs


Mexican Fan Palm, 20 fresh seeds

Washingtonia robusta seeds, Mexican Fan Palm 20 fresh seeds


These seeds were collected from the oldest Washingtonia robusta palms, growing in Bulgaria. The two trees were planted by us in 2001 with 3 metres of trunk. They have been protected each winter and since then they grown additional 6 metres of trunk. This is how they were looking on December 18 2015, right before we started protecting them. One of the palms was transplanted in spring a few meters away due to the restaurant's new building construnction.


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Price: €5.11

Availability: 6981 pcs


California Fan Palm, 20 fresh seeds

Washingtonia filifera seeds, California Fan Palm 20 fresh seeds

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Price: €5.11

Availability: 4897 pcs


3 Cuttings from Oleander 'Luteum Plenum', Double Yellow, scented

 Cuttings from Nerium oleander 'Luteum Plenum' (Mathilde Ferrier),

Double yellow, scented Oleander


This is one of the most cold resistant Oleander varieties. It grows on our experimental plot near Assenovgrad (zone 7b) with no significant winter damage for more than 10 years. The pictures show our first plant there.

Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:

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Price: €4.58

Availability: 29 pcs

100 fresh seeds, Bulgarian Trachycarpus

Trachycarpus 'Bulgaria', 100 fresh seeds packet


The seeds were collected from genuine exemplars of Trachycarpus 'Bulgaria' located in Assenovgrad, near Plovdiv. They have never seen any protection during the winters. The owner Kiril Donov planted the palms back in 1999 from seeds, collected from the famous genuine exemplars, growing in front of the police station in the Sunny beach resort, near the Black Sea coast.

Originally, these parent palms have male parent from Sochi, Russia and the female parent was from the museum palms in Plovdiv. The male parent from Sochi was Trachycarpus excelsa, as described in the Russian scientific literature. Today Trachycarpus excelsa is clasified inside the species Trachycarpus fortunei.

The palms in Bulgaria experience extremely freezing weather almost each winter. Still, they seed freely around the mother plant's bases. When the small seedlings survive, they develop the cold hardiness in the future generations.

Please note, that these seeds are only available from Christmas until the end of March each year! The usual germination is between 80-95 %.

More information about the climate in Bulgaria is available here:

More information about the Polar palms - Trachycarpus 'Bulgaria' is available here:



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Price: €15.34

Availability: 26 pcs

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