Coppertone Loquat
Code:Eriobotrya x 'Coppertone'
Weight:2.000 Kgs
Eriobotrya x 'Coppertone', Coppertone Loquat
This plant is a relative of the Japanese Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica). It is a hybrid from the crossing of Eriobotrya deflexa and Rhaphiolepis indica. It has a compact growth and could be used in many ways in the garden. The flowers have soft pink color and pleasant aroma. The fruits are edible, and are attractive not only for humans but also for birds.
This hybrid Loquat tolerates well clay soils as long as water is not retained around the plant. It has good cold tolerance and due to its compact size, winter protection is not a problem.
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Botanical family:Rosaceae
USDA zone:-12°C (zone 8a)
Winter effect:Evergreen plant
Sun exposure:Sun only
Soil pH+:neutral (pH 6,5-7,5)
Water need:moderate
Category:Mediterranean and subtropical fruiting plants
In Open Ground:With protection
Blooming time:In spring
Ripening:In autumn
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