Feijoa, Pineapple guava
Code:Feijoa (Acca) sellowiana
Weight:2.000 Kgs
Feijoa (Acca) sellowiana, Feijoa, Pineapple guava from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Feijoa is an evergreen subtropical shrub with good cold hardiness. It can grow in many areas of southern Bulgaria and on the Black Sea coast. The fruits have great exotic flavor and are well known for their valuable nutritional and dietary ingredients.
The plants are our own production. Feijoa for this price is available only here. For better pollination it is a good idea to plant two plants. Single plants often fail to bear any fruit.
Much information about Feijoa is available in our forum:
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Botanical family:Myrtaceae
USDA zone:-15°C (zone 7b)
Winter effect:Evergreen plant
Sun exposure:Sun or shade
Soil pH+:slightly acid (pH 5,5-6,5)
Water need:moisture-loving
Category:Mediterranean and subtropical fruiting plants
In Open Ground:No protection
Difficulty in growing:For advanced gardeners
Blooming time:May-June
Ripening:in winter
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