  • BGN
  • EUR

Cockspur Coral Tree

Price: €5.76
  • Rating: (5)
  • Code:
    Erythrina crista-galli
  • Weight:
    2.000 Kgs

Erythrina crista-galli, Cockspur Coral Tree


This interesting exotic tree from Brazil and Uruguay has exceptionally beautiful and bright red flowers. It can grow in the Mediterranean and in the warmer regions of the British Isles, where it grows as a deciduous tree. In Bulgaria it can not grow outdoors without protection.

Estimated Shipping

to Plovdiv starts at €2.85 To a place in Bulgaria starts at €2.85
Delivery to EU zone starts at €15.28
Delivery to EU zone starts at €32.21
2.40 BGN packaging and guarantee:
  • Botanical family:
  • USDA zone:
    -6°C (zone 9a)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    neutral (pH 6,5-7,5)

Starting from February 15, 2016, we can offer a very competitive delivery prices to most countries within the Europen Union. These prices are especially attractive for orders up to 31,5 kg. The delivery prices remain unchanged for orders of 11 to 31,5 kg.

Please note, we ship live plants and cuttings to the countries within the mainland European Union only (sorry, not to the UK anymore)!

Wholesale orders from EU are welcome. We can ship the order by truck. On one pallet up to 80-100 plants can be loaded. Please email us for prices.

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Availability at our nursery in Plovdiv: 0 pcs

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Compliance Information
  • Botanical family:
  • USDA zone:
    -6°C (zone 9a)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    neutral (pH 6,5-7,5)
  • Category:
    Mediterranean ornamental trees

by Lidia Koshlukova, 28 Aug 2017


by Lidia Koshlukova, 28 Aug 2017


by Христо Кукурузов, 18 May 2017

Красиви дръвчета, но май ще падне чакане докато цъфнат :)

by Татяна Йорданова, 07 Jul 2015

Виждала съм я с големите червени гроздове .Невероятна е. Все още не е цъфнала при мен, но се адаптира добре и я получих доста голяма като размер.