Canary Island Date Palm, 70-90 cm, pot 14 cm
Code:Phoenix canariensis (S)
Weight:2.000 Kgs
Phoenix canariensis, Canary Island Date Palm, 70-90 cm, pot 14 cm
The Canary Island Date Palm comes from deserted areas on the Canary islands. Despite it's powerful root system, it does not tolerate drought, when grown in pot. This is easily visible, when the leaf tips start to turn yellow and dry. In winter it should be kept cool, down to 0 degrees Celsius. It needs much sun to be able to develop it's full glory. If the surrounding air is very dry, this palm will still thrive, as long as it is watered regularly.
If you want this palm to look its best and to grow fast, you need to move it to a bigger pot. When outside in summer, you need to water every day!
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<p>Канарската финикова палма произхожда от полупустинни райони на Канарските острови. Въпреки, че развива мощна коренова система. при саксийно отглеждане не понася суша. Най-често това личи по засъхналите краища на листата. През зимата може да се съхранява на хладно, до нула градуса. Обича много светлина за да покаже пълния си блясък. Понася сух въздух и прах без проблеми, стига да се полива редовно.</p>
<p>Повече информация за финиковите палми на български език може да намерите на нашия форум:</p>
<p target="_blank"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
Botanical family:Palmae (Arecaceae)
USDA zone:-9°C (zone 8b)
Sun exposure:Sun or shade
Soil pH+:not important
Water need:moisture-loving
Category:Phoenix, Date palms
In Open Ground:With heating
Difficulty in growing:Easy plant