Olive variety Kalamon
Code:Olea europaea Kalamon М
Weight:4.000 Kgs
Olea europaea Kalamon (Kalamata)
olive variety from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The difference with the previous item is the age.
These are 3 years old.
This is the most popular Greek salad olive variety. The trees are beautiful and bear fruit abundantly, even in a pot. The fruits are dark, large and rounded, with characteristic shape.
Unfortunately, this wonderful olive variety can grow almost nowhere outdoors without protection in Bulgaria. It suffers damage from frost at temperatures below -5 degrees at temperatures below -12 degrees may freeze completely, even old trees.
More information about the olives is available in our forum:
Estimated Shipping

USDA zone:-9°C (zone 8b)
Sun exposure:Sun only
Soil pH+:not important
Water need:not important
Category:Olive varieties
In Open Ground:With protection
Blooming time:Apr-May