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Desert Rose

Price: €7.24
  • Code:
    Adenium obesum (M)
  • Weight:
    0.500 Kgs

Adenium obesum, Desert Rose, Fatty

Adeniums are the ideal potted bonsai . They develop impressively thick trunk, do not become large and bloom with many beautiful colors. They tolerate drought in all seasons and do not suffer if you forget to water them.

Adeniums are typical tropical plants from tropical deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. In winter they should remain in a warm place. The watering then is very sparingly, if at all, because they easily rot. If the temperature falls below 20 degrees Celsius, it should not be watered at all. Because of the drought , it is possible to soften the stems and shrivel. After restoration of waterings in April/May, the plant will recover.

As a typical desert plants Adeniums need all day direct sun. They bloom all year long as long as it is warm enough. This size of the plants could flower this next summer .

These plants are from mixed seeds of 12 varieties. While there are no blossoms, we can not guarantee the color. But quantities are limited and unlikely to persist long enough to bloom at the nursery.

Adenium seedlings develop beautiful and thick stems like the ones you see on the internet. Adeniums from cuttings are a cheaper alternative, but they never develop those stems! The plants in our nursery are either from seed or grafted, but never from cutting!

More information about the Adeniums and other plants is available in our forum :

Estimated Shipping

to Plovdiv starts at €2.60 To a place in Bulgaria starts at €2.60
Delivery to EU zone starts at €14.05
Delivery to EU zone starts at €32.21
1.80 BGN packaging and guarantee:
  • USDA zone:
    +15°C (zone 13a)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    not important
  • Water need:
    not important
  • In Open Ground:
    In pot only
  • Blooming time:
    all year round

Starting from February 15, 2016, we can offer a very competitive delivery prices to most countries within the Europen Union. These prices are especially attractive for orders up to 31,5 kg. The delivery prices remain unchanged for orders of 11 to 31,5 kg.

Please note, we ship live plants and cuttings to the countries within the mainland European Union only (sorry, not to the UK anymore)!

Wholesale orders from EU are welcome. We can ship the order by truck. On one pallet up to 80-100 plants can be loaded. Please email us for prices.

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Availability at our nursery in Plovdiv: 0 pcs

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Compliance Information
  • USDA zone:
    +15°C (zone 13a)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    not important
  • Water need:
    not important
  • Category:
    Plumeria (Frangipani) and Adenium (Desert Rose)
  • In Open Ground:
    In pot only
  • Blooming time:
    all year round