Japanese Persimmon, Kaki Hyakume
Code:Diospyros Kaki Hyakume
Weight:2.500 Kgs
Japanese Persimmon, Kaki Hyakume
Diospyros Kaki Hyakume
Important! The plants are bare rooted, ennobled. Because of the limitation in the dimensions of the transport package, the plants can be cut at 100 cm in height.
The fruits have four segments and oval shape, the skin is deep yellow with rust nuances when ripe. The flesh is dark orange to brown, sweet. Tannin levels decrease with the ripening of the fruit. It can be stored for a long time, first at room temperature for a week or two until tannin levels are lowered and then in frigerator.
Estimated Shipping

USDA zone:-18°C (zone 7a)
Winter effect:Deciduous plant
Sun exposure:Sun only
Soil pH+:neutral (pH 6,5-7,5)
Water need:moderate
Category:Varieties of Persimmon (Diospyros Kaki)
Blooming time:May