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Home Cold hardy palms Trachycarpus, Chamaerops European fan palm, Chamaerops

European fan palm, Chamaerops

Price: €9.14
  • Code:
    Chamaerops humilis (S)
  • Weight:
    2.000 Kgs

Chamaerops humilis, European fan palm in pot 18 cm

from Botanical garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria


The European Fan Palm is the only palm, that is of European origin. It grows in dry and rocky areas, where it experiences long summers with high temperatures and much sun. If there is a palm that will easily recover in pot after being forgotten and not watered in time, this is the Chamaerops. It will take dry air, dust and even somewhat lower light.

This palm could stay in the same pot for many years.

For optimal growth it should be moved outside in summer and watered abundantly.

In winter it needs cool temperatures, below +10°C. It will also grow in open ground in some areas of Bulgaria.

More information is available in Bularian on our forum:

Estimated Shipping

to Plovdiv starts at €2.85 To a place in Bulgaria starts at €2.85
Delivery to EU zone starts at €15.28
Delivery to EU zone starts at €32.21
2.40 BGN packaging and guarantee:
  • USDA zone:
    -12°C (zone 8a)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    not important
  • Water need:
    drought resistant
  • In Open Ground:
    With protection

Starting from February 15, 2016, we can offer a very competitive delivery prices to most countries within the Europen Union. These prices are especially attractive for orders up to 31,5 kg. The delivery prices remain unchanged for orders of 11 to 31,5 kg.

Please note, we ship live plants and cuttings to the countries within the mainland European Union only (sorry, not to the UK anymore)!

Wholesale orders from EU are welcome. We can ship the order by truck. On one pallet up to 80-100 plants can be loaded. Please email us for prices.

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Availability at our nursery in Plovdiv: 0 pcs

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Compliance Information
  • USDA zone:
    -12°C (zone 8a)
  • Sun exposure:
    Sun only
  • Soil pH+:
    not important
  • Water need:
    drought resistant
  • Category:
    Trachycarpus, Chamaerops
  • In Open Ground:
    With protection