Japanese Persimmon, Kaki Hira Tanenashi
Code:Diospyros Kaki Hira Tanenashi
Weight:2.500 Kgs
Japanese Persimmon, Kaki Hira Tanenashi
Diospyros Kaki Hira Tanenashi
Important! The plants are bare rooted, ennobled. Because of the limitation in the dimensions of the transport package, the plants can be cut at 100 cm in height.
Hira Tanenashi is an аstringent variety and the fruits should be left on the tree until full ripening. They are thick skinned and can be stored for a long time, have juicy meat, which is often seedless. The Astringent taste may stay if the fruits were picked before they ripened.
Estimated Shipping

USDA zone:-18°C (zone 7a)
Winter effect:Deciduous plant
Sun exposure:Sun only
Soil pH+:neutral (pH 6,5-7,5)
Water need:moderate
Category:Varieties of Persimmon (Diospyros Kaki)
Blooming time:May