Temperate climate broad-leaved trees
Temperate climate broad-leaved trees for outdoor planting.
Japanese Maple Garnet
Japanese Maple Garnet
Acer Palmatum Dissectum Garnrt
Availability: 4 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Inaba Shidare'
Acer palmatum 'Inaba Shidare', Norway maple
Availability: 5 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Inaba Shidare'
Acer palmatum 'Inaba Shidare', Norway maple
Availability: 5 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Tamukeyama'
Acer palmatum 'Tamukeyama', Norway maple
Availability: 5 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Viridis'
Acer palmatum 'Viridis', Norway maple
Availability: 2 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'
Acer palmatum 'BloodGood', Norway maple
Availability: 3 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'
Acer palmatum 'BloodGood', Norway maple
Availability: 5 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Tamukeyama'
Acer palmatum 'Tamukeyama', Norway maple
Availability: 5 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Viridis'
Acer palmatum 'Viridis', Norway maple
Availability: 2 pcs
Japanese Maple Garnet
Japanese Maple Garnet
Acer Palmatum Dissectum Garnrt
Availability: 4 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Shaina'
Acer palmatum 'Shaina', Norway maple
Availability: 3 pcs
Magnolia soulangeana Purpurea
Magnolia soulangeana Purpurea
Availability: 9 pcs
Acer platanoides Drumondii
Acer platanoides , Norway maple
Availability: 0 pcs
Acer platanoides Drumondii
Acer platanoides 'Drumondii', Norway maple 'Drumondii'
Availability: 1 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Katsura'
Acer palmatum 'Katsura', Norway maple 'Katsura'
Availability: 97 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum', Norway maple 'Atropurpureum'
Availability: 91 pcs
Acer palmatum 'Deshojo'
Acer palmatum 'Deshojo', Norway maple 'Deshojo'
Availability: 88 pcs
Norway maple 'Crimson King'
Acer platanoides 'Crimson King', Norway maple 'Crimson King'
Availability: 4 pcs
Japanese Maple Garnet
Japanese Maple Garnet
Acer Palmatum Dissectum Garnrt
Availability: 5 pcs
Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
Acer palmatum Atropurpureum, Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
A variety with sparkling red leaves the whole year.
Availability: 5 pcs
Tilia cordata
Tilia cordata
Extremely fragrant colors suitable for tea.
Availability: 28 pcs
Norway maple spherical shape
Norway maple
Acer platanoides
Availability: 14 pcs
Silver Birch, Paper Birch
Availability: 5 pcs
Red leaved Plum
Prunus pissardi nigra, Red leaved Plum
The tree is 3m in height
Red leaved plum, very useful and well known tree with red leaves. It si widely used as an accent in the plant groups.
Availability: 17 pcs
Tulip tree,Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip tree,
Liriodendron tulipifera
The charming colors of the lyre tree will impress you at first sight. The fruits resemble cones, and the flowers are yellow-green with orange in the middle and tulip-shaped. Flowering lasts up to a month, and the flowering period is from May to June. Its leaves are also interesting, as their shape resembles that of a lyre. The tree can reach a height of 30 m. Loves sunny places and moderate humidity.
Availability: 40 pcs
Weeping Japanese Cherry
This is probably the most beautiful flowering tree!
No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.
Availability: 58 pcs
Saucer magnolia Rustica Rubra
Saucer magnolia Rustica Rubra
Magnolia soulangeana Rustica Rubra
Availability: 0 pcs
Japanese Cherry with red leaves 'Royal Burgundy'
Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgundy', Japanese Cherry with red leaves
This is a new hybrid variety with red leaves during the whole growing season.
No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.
Availability: 32 pcs
Japanese Maple Stella Rossa
Japanese Maple Stella Rossa
Acer Palmatum Dissectum Stella Rossa
Availability: 0 pcs
Yellow Bird Magnolia
Yellow Bird Magnolia
Magnolia x brooklynensis Yellow Bird
The Yellow Bird magnolia is one of the most impressive plants. Cold-resistant and unpretentious, shaped like a pyramid, like a bush or like a tree. Not only fragrant, but also with its wonderful bright yellow flowers that appear early in the spring , it becomes a lovely ornament for your garden!
Availability: 0 pcs
American sweetgum, American storax
American sweetgum, American storax
Liquidambar styraciflua
Availability: 13 pcs
Magnolia soulangeana Purpurea
Magnolia soulangeana Purpurea
Availability: 0 pcs
Japanese Cherry with red leaves 'Royal Burgundy'
Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgundy', Japanese Cherry with red leaves
This is a new hybrid variety with red leaves during the whole growing season.
No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.
Availability: 14 pcs
Weeping Japanese Cherry
<p>No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.</p>
Availability: 14 pcs
Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
Acer palmatum Atropurpureum, Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
A variety with sparkling red leaves the whole year.
Availability: 3 pcs
Cut-Leaf Staghorn Sumac
Cut-Leaf Staghorn Sumac
Rhus typhina Dissecta
Availability: 0 pcs
Saucer magnolia Rustica Rubra
Saucer magnolia Rustica Rubra
Magnolia soulangeana Rustica Rubra
Availability: 0 pcs
Handkerchief tree, Dove tree
Handkerchief tree, Dove tree
Davidia involucrata
Davidia involucrata is a medium-sized tree with deep green, ovate leaves. Flowers are small, rounded, held within a pair of creamy-white bracts.
Availability: 0 pcs
Golden rain, Laburnum
Golden rain, Laburnum
Laburnum anagyroides
Golden rain is a quick-growing plant of high decorative value, but it is also honey-bearing. It is compact in size, reaches a height of just over 6m and a width of up to 4m. Blooms in late spring - May-June, with large, fragrant, clustered inflorescences with a deep yellow color. The consumption of any part of the plant is forbidden.
Availability: 0 pcs
Japanese Maple Orange Dream
Japanese Maple Orange Dream
Acer Palmatum Orange Dream
Availability: 0 pcs
Japanese Cherry 'Kanzan'
This is probably the most beautiful flowering tree!
No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.
Availability: 18 pcs
Silver Lime, Silver Linden
Tilia tomentosa, Silver Lime, Silver Linden
Availability: 0 pcs
Silver Birch, Paper Birch
Betula alba, Silver Birch, Paper Birch from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv
Availability: 96 pcs
White hybrid Leonard Messel Magnolia
Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel',
White hybrid Leonard Messel Magnolia
Availability: 0 pcs
European Rowan, European Mountain Ash
Sorbus aucuparia, European Rowan, European Mountain Ash
from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Rowan is interesting tree that is popular with its medical, food and ornamental value. Its wood is hard but flexible and is used in woodcarving. This uncompromising and easy to grow tree often grows in places where other trees are struggling.
Availability: 29 pcs
Japanese Maple 'BloodGood'
Acer palmatum 'BloodGood', Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
A variety with sparkling red leaves the whole year. The plants are grafted.
Availability: 3 pcs
Tulip tree
Availability: 0 pcs
Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
Acer palmatum Atropurpureum, Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
A variety with sparkling red leaves the whole year.
Availability: 0 pcs
Norway maple 'Crimson King'
Acer platanoides 'Crimson King', Norway maple 'Crimson King'
Availability: 0 pcs
Grafted Red Birch, Paper Birch
Betula purpurea, Grafted Red Birch, Paper Birch from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv
Availability: 9 pcs
Japanese Cherry with red leaves 'Royal Burgundy'
Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgundy', Japanese Cherry with red leaves
This is a new hybrid variety with red leaves during the whole growing season.
No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.
Availability: 101 pcs
Japanese Cherry 'Kanzan'
This is probably the most beautiful flowering tree!
No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.
Availability: 0 pcs
Magnolia soulangeana Purpurea
Magnolia soulangeana Purpurea
Availability: 58 pcs
Judas tree
Cercis siliquastrum, Judas tree
The Judas tree flowers early in spring, when the whole trees are covered by the purple flowers. This Mediterranean tree is very cold hardy and is grown since long time in Bulgaria.
Availability: 0 pcs
Black Lily Magnolia
Magnolia soulangeana 'Nigra', Black Lily Magnolia
Availability: 0 pcs
Silver Lime, Silver Linden
Tilia tomentosa, Silver Lime, Silver Linden
Availability: 0 pcs
Persian Silk Tree, Pink Silk Tree
Albizia julibrissin, Persian Silk Tree, Pink Silk Tree
Availability: 16 pcs
Japanese Maple 'BloodGood'
Acer palmatum 'BloodGood', Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
A variety with sparkling red leaves the whole year. The plants are grafted.
Availability: 0 pcs
Silver Birch, Paper Birch
Betula alba, Silver Birch, Paper Birch from Botanical Garden - Plovdiv
Availability: 0 pcs
Judas tree
Cercis siliquastrum, Judas tree
The Judas tree flowers early in spring, when the whole trees are covered by the purple flowers. This Mediterranean tree is very cold hardy and is grown since long time in Bulgaria.
Availability: 0 pcs
Red leaved Plum
Prunus pissardi nigra, Red leaved Plum
Red leaved plum, very useful and well known tree with red leaves. It si widely used as an accent in the plant groups.
Availability: 11 pcs
Grafted white birch
Betula utilis, Grafted white birchh
Grafted white birch, imported from Italy. It has wither bark. Suitable for planting outside all year round.
Availability: 2 pcs
Japanese Cherry 'Kanzan'
This is probably the most beautiful flowering tree!
No wonder, why in Japan they write poetry about these trees. Their flowers are so gentle and beautiful, that whoever seen them live, will never forget.
Availability: 12 pcs