Nerium oleander Simie
Availability: 29 pcs
Nerium oleander Haydn
Nerium oleander Haydn
Quantities are limited.
Availability: 30 pcs
Hybrid Bulgarian Trachycarpus 'BG x Wagnerianus'
Trachycarpus 'Wagnerianus',
Availability: 100 pcs
Black bamboo
Black Bamboo
Phyllostachys nigra
More information is available in Bulgarian on our forum:
Availability: 27 pcs
Citrus myrtifolia, Chinoto
This is an interesting citrus of high ornamental value. It bears fruits that resemble mandarins. On the background of the tiny leaves, they stand out and the plant looks like covered by fruits. Regardless of their acidic taste, the fruits are used in many ways, especially in southern Italy, where they are used as a spice in a variety of local drinks, for example Campari.
Availability: 34 pcs
Juniperus × pfitzeriana 'Old Gold' - Pendula
Pfitzer juniper - Pendula 'Old Gold'
Juniperus × pfitzeriana Pendula 'Old Gold'
Availability: 27 pcs
Mango variety Kent
Mangifera indica cv. Kent, Mango variety Kent
from Botanical garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
It is widely acknowledged that the taste of Mango, ripened on the tree is incomparable with mediocre taste of the fruits in stores, that are harvested completely unripened.
We are selling well developed grafted plants produced in Italy. All of them already bloom and bear fruits.
Much more information on the cultivation of Mango is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 1 pcs
Mango variety Sensation
Mangifera indica cv. Sensation, Mango variety Sensation
from Botanical garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Sensation has a little smaller fruits, but with unique taste and fragrance. In fact, it is widely acknowledged that the taste of Mango, ripened on the tree is incomparable with mediocre taste of the fruits in stores, that are harvested completely unripened.
We are selling well developed grafted plants produced in Italy. All of them already bloom and bear fruits.
Much more information on the cultivation of Mango is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 8 pcs
Mango variety Keitt
Mangifera indica cv. Keitt, Mango variety Keitt
from Botanical garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
It is widely acknowledged that the taste of Mango, ripened on the tree is incomparable with mediocre taste of the fruits in stores, that are harvested completely unripened.
We are selling well developed grafted plants produced in Italy. All of them already bloom and bear fruits.
Much more information on the cultivation of Mango is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Grafted Avocado 'Bacon'
Persea americana, Grafted Avocado 'Bacon'
These plants are grafted and already bearing fruits.
Availability: 9 pcs
Grafted Avocado 'Hass'
Persea americana, Grafted Avocado ' Hass'
These plants are grafted and already bearing fruits.
Availability: 1 pcs
Japanese Persimmon, Kaki Giant Fuyu
Japanese Persimmon, Kaki Giant Fuyu
Diospyros Kaki Hira Giant Fuyu
Height 50-60cm.
Important! The plants are bare rooted, ennobled. Because of the limitation in the dimensions of the transport package, the plants can be cut at 100 cm in height.
Availability: 3 pcs
Chinese Date var. Li
Chinese Date var. Li
Ziziphus jujuba cv. Li
The plants are bare rooted.
Height at the moment 80 cm - 1 m.
Li is the variety with the largest fruits. The fruits are oval in shape with crispy flesh and sweet taste. More suitable for fresh consumption than for drying. The fruits are ready for direct consumption in early autumn, when their skin begins to change color and the harvest can continue until they are fully ripe. The variety is self-pollinating and, as with all other varieties, the young plants have thorns. In adult plants, thorns are almost absent. Although the plants are drought-resistant, regular watering is necessary long enough for deep roots to develop. For a good harvest and larger fruits, regular watering in the summer is recommended.
!!! The offered plants are grafted and bare root. Because of the limitation in the dimensions of the transport package, the plants can be cut at 100 cm in height.
More information is available in Bulgarian on our forum:
Availability: 137 pcs
Water Lily Black Princess
Nymphaea alba Black Princess, Water Lily Black Princess
These plants are not imported from Holland! If you buy Dutch Lilies, you know that most frequently nothing grows from them. The plants we offer are very well developed and sometimes even have flowers. They are well rooted in the pots and will not die for sure. Imported plants are usually cheaper, but most of them are only a small piece of root and have little chance of survival.
Since we propagate the Water Lilies by splitting the rhizomes of the large plants in our nursery pond, the quantity we produce is very limited, usually between 50 and 100 plants per year, from all colors.
Water Lily blooms continuously from early May until the end of September, and in recent years - till the end of October.
The Water Lily is an easy plant . Does not require clean water or circulation. On the contrary, it is best developed in marshy conditions and lack of circulation. The depth of the pond is best to be over a meter to the bottom, so the bottom will not freeze in winter.
It is recommended that the Water Lily is planted in the sand on the bottom . If left in a pot, it develops far less and fewer blooms. Planted on the bottom, the Water Lily grows vigorously and blooms continuously from early May to late September. It is better to add some colorful Japanese Koi Carps for the natural cycle in the water (so-called Nitrogen cycle).
If the pool is small and there are no conditions for growing Koi Carps, several common bream (a type of carp fish) will do a perfect job. They are extremely resistant fishes and are sold live at any fishing store as bait for pennies .
In winter the Water Lily requires no care, as long as the pond has enough depth.
Availability: 2 pcs
Deutzia hybrida Tourbillon Rouge
Deutzia hybrida Tourbillon Rouge
Availability: 34 pcs
Hydrangea Princess Diana, Hydrangea macrophylla Princess Diana ('H213'PBR)
Hydrangea Princess Diana,
Hydrangea macrophylla Princess Diana ('H213'PBR)
Availability: 16 pcs
King Sago
Cycas revoluta, King Sago from Botanical garden - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The Cycads are not a true palms, they are ancient gymnospermous plants, contemporary of the dinosaurus.
A huge fallacy about the King Sago is that they are difficult and demanding plants. This fallacy is supported by the wrong growing advices, that people receive at the flower shops.
The King Sago is a very easy to grow plant. What they need is regular watering and fertilizing. During the summer they need to be moved outside to a very bright light and should get at least 2-3 hours direct sun. During the winter they should be stored in a cool place with plenty of light.
The main problems with Cycads in pot are due to low light or too little water.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 10 pcs
Howea, Kentia palm
Howea forsteriana, Howea, Kentia palm
Kentia palms are among the most beautiful palms that are grown in the Mediterranean. They have gentle and graceful leaves and for many people they remind of the coconut palm trees in the tropics.
Kentia palms do not like strong direct sunlight in Bulgarian conditions. They can be moved outside only when the temperatures are above zero, and at least partial shade must be provided.
For home use Kentia is the perfect plant. It grows slowly, tolerates the weaker Indoor light and can live for many years without causing problems.
Availability: 7 pcs
Lemon red
Citrus limon red, Lemon red
This is still a very rare Citrus variety all around the world. In many countries, this new hybridit still has not been seen live. The plants are well developed and come to you loaded with flowers or fruits, according to the season.
The taste of the red lemons is less acidic if compared with that of the yellow lemons. The fruits are used in the same way, but are especially valuable in their appearance.
This variety is grown as all other citrus plants. It is best to overwinter the plants in a cool place, below +10 deg C.
Availability: 42 pcs
Alexander Palm triple
The Alexander Palm (Archontophoenix alexandrae ) is a beautiful and elegant palm, not very fast fast-growing. Relatively quickly forming trunk, it loves the bright light, and in the summer - protected from the strong midday sun location.
Photos of smaller plants show what you buy for that price.
Photos of trunk and crown show what a plant looks like, when grown in pot in our conditions (Asenovgrad).
And also, there are pictures of palm trees in natural conditions in the tropics.
More information is available in our forum:
Availability: 8 pcs
Howea, Kentia palm
Howea forsteriana, Howea, Kentia palm
Kentia palms are among the most beautiful palms that are grown in the Mediterranean. They have gentle and graceful leaves and for many people they remind of the coconut palm trees in the tropics.
Kentia palms do not like strong direct sunlight in Bulgarian conditions. They can be moved outside only when the temperatures are above zero, and at least partial shade must be provided.
For home use Kentia is the perfect plant. It grows slowly, tolerates the weaker Indoor light and can live for many years without causing problems.
Availability: 12 pcs
Table grape Attika
Table grape Attica
Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera cv. Attica
Velika is the Bulgarian desrete grape variety, which was created by Research Scientist Ivan Todorov Ph.D., at the Experimental field of IASS “Obraztsov Chiflik” – Rousse, via hybridization of cultivars Bulgar and Alphonse Lavale in 1987.
In terms of grape size and grain size, this variety is superior to all other varieties of tenth grapes and is deservedly the most attractive among them.
The bunches are about 500/600 g, the grains are oblong, with a dense but not tough skin in a deep blue-black color, covered with a waxy coating. The seeds are soft and not felt when consumed. The fruit has a balanced taste. The variety has very good durability during transport and longer storage. It ripens in August.
The variety is susceptible to mildew, oidium and gray rot. Has medium resistance to low temperatures.
Note: The plants are available in a 2-3 liter container and are fully rooted and developed.
Availability: 0 pcs
Howea, Kentia palm
Howea forsteriana, Howea, Kentia palm
Kentia palms are among the most beautiful palms that are grown in the Mediterranean. They have gentle and graceful leaves and for many people they remind of the coconut palm trees in the tropics.
Kentia palms do not like strong direct sunlight in Bulgarian conditions. They can be moved outside only when the temperatures are above zero, and at least partial shade must be provided.
For home use Kentia is the perfect plant. It grows slowly, tolerates the weaker Indoor light and can live for many years without causing problems.
Availability: 9 pcs
Oleander Album Maximum, white
Oleander Album Maximum, white
Nerium oleander Album Maximum
Availability: 9 pcs
Nerium oleander Eugenia
Nerium oleander Eugenia
Quantities are limited.
Availability: 18 pcs
Oleander, Harriet Newding
Nerium oleander 'Harriet Newding'
Availability: 25 pcs
Oleander 'Album Plenum', Double white
Nerium oleander 'Album Plenum',
Double white, scented Oleander
This variety is not cold resistant.
Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 18 pcs
Oleander light pink, 'Atlas Nain De Tidili'
Nerium oleander 'Atlas Nain De Tidili', Oleander light pink
Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Oleander, cold hardy, 'Provence'
Nerium oleander 'Provence', Oleander pink-orange, cold hardy
This is one of the most cold resistant Oleander varieties, down to about -16 degrees Celsius.
Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 86 pcs
Oleander pink with yellow center, 'Soleil Levant'
Nerium oleander 'Soleil Levant', Oleander pink with yellow center, cold hardy
This is one of the most cold resistant Oleander varieties, down to about -16 degrees Celsius.
Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 6 pcs
Oleander red, cold hardy, Hardy Red
Nerium oleander 'Hardy Red', Oleander red, cold hardy
This is one of the cold resistant Oleander varieties, down to about -13 degrees Celsius.
Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:
Availability: 0 pcs
Oleander white, 'Sister Agnes'
<p> </p>
<p>This is a beautiful Oleander with white flowers and abundant blooming.</p>
<p>Much more information about the Oleanders is available in Bulgarian in our forum:</p>
<p><a href="http://forum.palmi.bg/viewforum.php?f=82" target="_blank"><span style="color:#0000CD;">http://forum.palmi.bg/viewforum.php?f=82</span></a></p>
Availability: 0 pcs
Oleander Chopin
<span style="color: rgb(0, 100, 0); font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 22px; text-align: center;">Nerium Oleander Chopin</span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"> </p>
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Chopin is a variety with large, double, peach blossoms. The color and shape of the petals can vary and thus form blossoms with different shapes and shades.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">The attached pictures are indicative of the size of the plants.<br />
Deviations are possible!</span></span></p>
Availability: 18 pcs
Hardy Parlour Palm
Chamaedorea radicalis, Cold-resistant Mexican mountain palm Chamaedorea
This is perhaps the most cold-resistant type of Chamaedorea palm, which can be grown even without protection outside, in the warmest regions of Bulgaria. There are two forms of this palm. One forms a stem and the other develops a beautiful bushy shape. These plants for sale are of the non-trunking form. The mother plants live outside in Asenovgrad for more than 10-12 years, being planted against a wall and covered with nylon in winter. Even in the coldest winters in the past, they have had absolutely no damage.
Young Chamaedorea radicalis palms start flowering at 3 to 5 years of age. As mountain palms of the forest understory, they grow best in partial shade. Strong direct sun can burn the leaves. Plants tolerate -6 to -7 degrees without any damage, but there are many cases where they have survived -10 degrees with leaf damage. They must be protected from the snow.
Availability: 0 pcs
Fig variety Mavri Polyphori
Fig variety Mavri Polyphori,
Ficus carica Mavri Polyphori
Availability: 33 pcs
Book - A modern view of Olive cultivation in Bulgaria
A modern view of Olive cultivation in Bulgaria
A practical guide to propagating and growing olives under Bulgarian conditions
220 pages. Bulgarian language
Author: Kiril Donov, engineer-agronomist, master in tropical and subtropical agriculture
The climate is changing at an unprecedented speed, and the frosty winters of the last century seem like an increasingly distant memory. The Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkan Peninsula and Bulgaria are warming faster than the rest of Europe, and today's climate in southern Bulgaria is even warmer than the climate in northern Greece 20 years ago. In our country there are already many areas where the climate is ideal for growing olives. And if until recently only individual trees of the most cold-resistant varieties were found here and there, today almost every olive variety can grow in most places south of Balkan mountain without any winter damage.
The author Kiril Donov is an agronomist engineer with a master's degree in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture since 1997. In the book, he shares valuable information and over 260 author's photos, based on 25 years of experience and experiments with olives in Bulgaria. Such a detailed monograph on the subject is published for the first time in our country. All aspects of olive production are covered in detail:
- physiology and soil-climatic requirements of olive plants;
- various types of reproduction and production of planting material;
- varieties of olives tested under the conditions of our country;
- planning and creation of olive plantations in Bulgaria;
- pruning, fertilizing, watering, fighting diseases and pests;
- harvesting and processing of olive fruits.
The book is intended for farmers, agronomists, students and teachers. It goes into great detail, but is written in accessible language to be useful to anyone who decides to engage in olive production under Bulgarian conditions.
Availability: 12 pcs
Dwarf Chusan Palm
This Trachycarpus species is close to the regular Trachycarpus fortunei in terms of cold hardiness. It grows with just a little protection in places in southern Bulgaria, located outside the winter freezing inversions. It has very beautiful and hard leaves, that are very wind resistant.
About growing requirements it is like the regular Trachycarpus fortunei.
More information is available on our forum:
Availability: 10 pcs
Water Lily Black Princess
Price: €54.69
Availability: 2 pcs
Red Water Lily
Price: €54.69
Availability: 1 pcs
Yellow Water Lily
Price: €31.23
Availability: 0 pcs
White Water Lily
Price: €31.23
Availability: 0 pcs
Red Water Lily
Price: €26.32
Availability: 0 pcs
Nile grass
Price: €16.49
Availability: 0 pcs
Umbrella Papyrus
Price: €9.14
Availability: 0 pcs
Water Hyacinth
Price: €3.58
Availability: 9 pcs
Book - A modern view of Olive cultivation in Bulgaria
Price: €13.80
Availability: 12 pcs